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On September 30, 2020, the Second Meeting of the Working Group on finalizing the text of the draft Agreement on a Single Transit Permit of TRACECA was held via web-conferencing


The Working Group (WG) considered the proposals to the text of the Agreement on Single Transit Permit (STP) from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Romania, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Ukraine.

The first session of the WG to finalize the text of the Agreement on STP was held on June 30, 2020, where the participants expressed their conceptual consent to conclude the Agreement.

During the Meeting, the WG participants made joint efforts to finalize the work for aligning the text of the Agreement and emphasized the paramount importance of attracting additional transit cargo flows in order to improve the corridor’s competitiveness.

The final version of the Agreement on STP will be submitted for consideration during the PS Meeting, which is scheduled for November 24, 2020, whereupon the countries will start the internal approval procedures.

The Agreement on STP will contribute to the alleviation of international and transit road transport organization, ensuring the transport transparency, digitalization, reducing the time and cost of the transportation process, and optimizing the control procedures.

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Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA