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On 10-11 February 2011 in Brussels, Belgium at the «Charlemagne» building of the European Commission in the final presentations of the following EU-funded Projects were held


• “Motorways of the Sea for Black and the Caspian Sea” • “International Logistics Centres in Western NIS and Caucasus” • “International Logistics Centres in Central Asia” • “Strengthening of Transport Training Capacity in NIS countries”

Final Presentation_EU-funded projects_Feb 2011

European Commission & Permanent Secretariat

The meeting on the final presentations of the projects was attended by Mr. Eduard Biriucov, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA, the Permanent Representatives (National Secretaries) of the PS IGC TRACECA of the Parties to the Basic Multilateral Agreement on Transport for Development Corridor “Europe-Caucasus-Asia” (MLA) TRACECA, Team Leaders of the projects, authorized experts as well as the representatives from the European Commission: Mr. Pawel Stelmaszczyk, Head of Unit, DG MOVE,,Ms. Carmen Falkenberg, Head of Sector, DG DEVCO, Ms. Barbara Bernardi, Programme Manager for Transport, DG DEVCO Mr. Marc Vanderhaegen, Policy Officer, DG MOVE,.

At the meeting, Mr. Eduard Biriucov, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA delivered a welcoming speech, during  which he stated that the main purpose of the meeting was to assess outcomes of the projects as well as to obtain a particular product as a result of the completion of each of the ongoing projects.

Mr. Biriucov also noted that throughout the whole period of the projects, the project teams have heldactive cooperation and permanent dialogue with the beneficiary countries. It was a valuable experience, an example of successful collaboration and cooperation, when the dialogue was kept not only at the level of public structures, but also actively engaged businesses, allowing to raise a dialogue with potential investors to a more tangible level.

During the sessions, team leaders of the projects made final presentations of their projects. Introduction, implementation of these projects undoubtedly contribute to the realization of one of the main tasks of the TRACECA - the integration of the TRACECA corridor into the global transportation system. 

As part of the meeting the outcomes of feasibility studies have been discussed, and preliminary plans for the following "TRACECA Regional transport project - Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea II» have been outlined. There was also an exchange of views regarding the sustainable implementation of pilot projects in the short and medium term, including investments to support them.

On the outcomes of the meeting, the participants agreed that there is a need for a constructive approach in addressing future issues of realization of tasks and objectives of the TRACECA projects.


Currently not available


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA