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New initiatives of the Permanent Secretariat and plans for the development of TRACECA for the coming 2020-2021 have become priority issues of discussion with the Islamic Republic of Iran


On June 9, 2020, a discussion between Mr. Asset Assavbayev, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA, and Mr. Amin Taraffo, Permanent Representative (NS) of the IGC TRACECA in Iran, on prospective aspects of development of the corridor via web-conferencing was held.

Within the framework of the Agenda, the National Secretary of the Islamic Republic of Iran pointed out the positive changes, trends and aspects observed in the activities of the Permanent Secretariat over the past few months.

Along with the plans, new initiatives and developed projects, including the Harmonized Conditions for the transport of goods, a unified form of a multimodal document, the Agreement on a Single Transit Permit, Mr. Taraffo stressed the significance of expanding the borders of TRACECA cooperation, diversification and commercialization of routes.

The Iranian Party is actively interested in accession to the TRACECA permit system, thereby an agreement has been reached to hold in August of the current year a working meeting on the advantages and prospects of using this system.

An exchange of views took place also on the work of border crossing points in the Islamic Republic of Iran, support for the idea of speeding up the border crossing, start of the functioning of border crossing points between the Islamic Republic of Iran and a number of neighbouring countries (Iraq, Afghanistan), previously closed due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, as well as the issue of the unanimous adoption of TRACECA recommendations aimed at simplifying border crossing procedures. 

Taking into account the importance of the development of maritime transport, ports and their infrastructure in the TRACECA region, the National Secretary of Iran expressed its readiness to share experience, best practices and to provide support at any level of discussions.

A number of other important issues were also discussed, on the outcomes of the online meeting, participants confirmed their interest in holding such meetings on a permanent basis.




Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA