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IRI contribution to the effective functioning of the ITC TRACECA routes is the cornerstone of successful development and strengthening of cooperation of all concerned parties in the region Europe-the Caucasus-Asia


The exchange of views between Asset Assavbayev, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA, and Amin Taraffo, Permanent Representative (NS) of the IGC TRACECA in Iran, regarding the prospects for use of the TRACECA multilateral permits system was held on 31 August 2020 via web-conferencing.

Secretary General highlighted the priority advantages of acceding to the system of multilateral permits, particularly, free access of 6 member states to markets and simplification of bilateral and transit traffic of the multilateral permit system, shared the PS proposals on the transformation of the multilateral permits system and the expected effect of this system digitalization. These opportunities will serve the increase of the trade volumes and transportation of the goods with the countries of Europe and the Caucasus.            

During the web-conference the participants also exchanged views on the issues of accession of Afghanistan to TRACECA, the possibilities of the integration of the Information System of TRACECA into the databases of the state control authorities, etc.   

The Iranian Party expressed its willingness to prepare the reporting information on the BCP functioning on the Iranian-Afghan border, as well as on container traffic under TIR Convention.

Within the framework of the discussions on the draft Agreement on a Single Transit Permit TRACECA, Mr Assavbayev expressed his gratitude to the Iranian Party for the support of this initiative. A number of presented comments on the STP Agreement will be considered during the next WG.    
Mr Taraffo assured Mr Assavbayev that the Islamic Republic of Iran as the MLA member state will use every effort to accelerate the solution of those problematic issues which will contribute to the growth of significance of the MLA member states and effective activity along the ITC TRACECA routes.  




Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA