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The issue of accession of Afghanistan to TRACECA is on the Agenda of discussion


Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General and Mr. H.E. Dr. Mohammadullah Batash, Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan discussed latest activities of TRACECA, future vision and plans within the Ministerial Meeting of the UNECE.

This Ministerial meeting is dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the Inland Transport Committee, and gathered representatives of the governments, industry and policy makers to promote sustainable transport by improving traffic safety, environmental performance, energy efficiency, inland transport security and efficient service provision in the transport sector and discuss future mission until 2030 at a time of profound changes, challenges and opportunities.

On the meeting Mr. Ciopraga and H.E. Dr. Batash expressed his interest to the latest status of accession of Afghanistan to TRACECA. 

Mr. Ciopraga stressed that all the Parties expressed their consent on the accession. The final step is official notification of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the address of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan – the Depositary of the Basic Agreement.

Mr. Ciopraga assured His Excellency Dr. Batash, in full support and further assistance for the purposes of the accession Afghanistan to TRACECA.  


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA