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“Further development of mutual dialogue is in the interest of whole TRACECA region"


On 21st February 2017 Mr. Ciorpaga, TRACECA Secretary General and H.E. Mrs. Violetta Bulc, European Commissioner for Mobility and Transport had a meeting within the platform of the Ministerial Meeting of the UNECE in Geneva.

During the meeting it was mentioned that strengthening the dialogue with TRACECA partners will contribute to effective communication at all levels”.

Special focus of discussion of Mr. Ciopraga and H.E. Mrs. Bulc was concentrated on the discussions regarding joining TRACECA with TEN-T with the support of the Ms. Maria Magdalena Grigore, State Secretary of Ministry of Transport  and National Secretary of the IGC TRACECA of Romania.

TRACECA is the programme directed to the development of economic ties, trade and transport communication in the region via supporting political and economic independence of the countries by means of  expanding their opportunities to have access to European and world markets; further expansion of regional cooperation  between the TRACECA countries; realization of technical assistance projects aimed at comprehensive development of the corridor and attraction of investment capital and finally, via optimal integration of the TRACECA transport corridor with the Trans-European Networks (TEN-T).

Mr. Ciopraga also stated that upon the recommendations of the EU experts, recently the new adopted Strategy of the IGC TRACECA worked out on the basis of the Master Plan and recommendations of the TRACECA countries, is broken down into 3-4 year periods and TRACECA countries are currently in the process of the Plan development for the first period of 2017-2020. 

In addition, Mr. Ciopraga emphasized that it is very important for TRACECA countries to have clear understanding on the support of the European Commission for realization of the measures contained in these programme documents.  

During discussion Mr. Ciopraga also touched the issues of the launching and implementation of new EU-TRACECA technical assistance and investment projects.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA